Our Purpose:
“To Love the Lord your God with all our heart, with all our being, with all our strength, and with all our mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves” -Luke 10:27 CEB
St John’s UCC Mission Statement:
“Given the Faith. Growing in Faith Going in Faith”.
The Act of discipleship we take most seriously is Christ;s command to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are connected to the wider world through the United Church of Christ which also reminds us of a call to hospitality of all God’s children – “no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here”
Our Church Family:
Our discipleship leads us to be a church family. A place where people learn and know your name. A place where we are interested in what is happening in your life. A place where the pastor recognize you when you come in the door. We may not be big in size, but we are big in loving one another and supporting each other. We are an inter-generational church, a place where friends of all ages are welcome.
Ministries of St.John’s
- Hospitality: We welcome and receive others for who they are and seek to share our journey in Christ together.
- Worship: We gather as the Body of Christ each Sunday for worship.
- 10:30AM September-May
- 9:30AM June-August
- Faith Formation:
- Seasonal Bible Study
- Sunday School
- 2nd Sunday each month
- Children’s LOGOS Ministry K-6th
- Tuesday’s at 5:30
- Confirmation and Teen Youth Ministry
- Spiritual Formation: Prayer Chain and Intentional Caring Team.
- Discipleship Service: We support our wider UCC, local community and world through mission offerings and mission projects/trips.