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March 20 Weekly Devotion

Strength to bloom where we are.

“Other seed fell onto good soil and bore fruit.” Mark 4:8


         Spring “officially” entered our lives yesterday. We all have lived in Ohio long enough to know Spring is not always about warming days and sunshine. One of my favorite parts of Spring is the initial breakthrough of flowers from the wintered earth. The leaves and buds push forth through the dead leaves and ground debris to proclaim, “Here I am!”

         Such an entrance reminds me of the fortitude and strength required to grow and bloom in life. A strong part of me would prefer an easy paddle down a stream approach to life. Believing all is well when we are flowing with the current, enjoying the ride. Yet, my spiritual life has taught me growth takes work. A bulb cannot grow strong without the resistance of the ground to work against. A seed must fall into the right soil and die, breaking open to root into the earth. We need some stress to grow strong is the message of nature.

         I would be sad if my daffodils all fell over because they had not been able to form the strength to stand in all their glory. In the same way we can learn from the stress and resistance we encounter in our lives. When the trials of life come. When the stress of daily living occurs. We find the strength we need because faith and life have taught us much. We discover we can bloom wherever we are because God is always bringing us towards life and hope.

         Sunday begins our Holy Week journey. A journey which comes each year with much trial and struggle. On this very journey God overcomes all so we can have what we need to face our own challenges. Challenges which we never face alone. Through the story of Jesus’ passion, we too can proclaim, “Here I am!” and know we are never alone.

Faithfully Yours,

Rev. Wendy

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